Who We Are

Quick Facts

  • No.1

    ​SZPU consistently ranks as the top 1 higher TVET institution in China.

  • 2.6 million m²

    Sprawling campus covering over 2.6 million m² across 3 locations.

  • > 30,000

    more than 30,000 full-time students

  • > 2,790

    more than 2,790 full-time faculty and staff in SZPU

  • 92

    majors/programmes in 18 schools

  • ≥97%

    initial employment rate of graduates

  • 12.7%

    Graduates Entrepreneurship Rate in 3 years

  • 7,071

    Research Projects (of which 141 are National-Level)

  • 70,000

    Skill training for 70,000 trainees per year

  • 8

    joint industry training colleges and 3 community colleges for the local community

  • 16

    National Teaching Achievement Award

  • 456

    off-campus internship base