What We Do

Involvement with UNESCO-UNEVOC

About the Project

UNEVOC Network Coaction Initiative islaunched by UNESCO UNEVOC, whichaims to support UNEVOC Centres and their development and implementation of joint projects based on topics of shared interests, building upon the expertise that is already available in the UNEVOC Network. Ultimately, the objective of the initiative is to strengthen collaboration and partnership among UNEVOC Centres for mutual learning and capacity building.

As one of the key partners, Shenzhen Polytechnic involved in the joint project ofUNEVOC Network Coaction Initiative, entitled Capacity building for addressing SDGs through curriculum and pedagogy innovation in TVET, contributing to the strategic directions of UNESCO in the context of TVET, sustainable development and greening.

UNEVOC Centres Involved

• The Education University of Hong Kong

• Shenzhen Polytechnic

• Zhejiang Technical Institute of Economics

•VETP Vocational Education and Training Partnership in Mongolia

• Yaba College of Technology in Nigeria

• Technical Education and Skills Development Authority in Philippines

• Technical and Vocational Training Corporation in Saudi Arabia

Key concepts of the Project

Greeningis the process of pursuing knowledge and practices with the intention of becoming more environmentally friendly, enhancing decision-making and lifestyle in more ecologically responsible manner, that can lead to environmental protection and sustainability of natural resources for current and future generations. It also includes a strong social and economic aspects.

Generic green skillsare competencies required in almost any occupation to help the future workforce understand green growth issues, to increase environmental awareness and ability to act based on this understanding and to develop a positive environmental attitude.


  • Capacity Building:

lUnderstand the latest trends and industrial practices in greening, and relate green concepts to SDGs, green economies, environmental regulations and green skills.

lUnderstand the concept of green skills

lAcquire a number of green skills through active application of knowledge to real life cases.

lImprove the capacity to developing green skills in the classroom through pedagogy, resources, and contextualized local case studies, and apply these.

  • Develop case studies on greening economies.