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Syllabuses of Digital Programs in TVET(2022)

Syllabuses of Digital Programs in TVET(2022) was developed by Office of Academic Affairs of Shenzhen Polytechnic and UNESCO Chair on Digitalization in TVET at Shenzhen Polytechnic, China. This comprehensive guidebook covers 28 digital programs categorized into six program clusters that have been successfully implemented at Shenzhen Polytechnic, China.

The employment rate of our graduates has consistently exceeded 98%, and positive feedback on our graduates' performance reflects the relevance of these syllabuses in meeting market demands in the digital era. We hope that these syllabuses will provide valuable assistance to global TVET institutions seeking to develop emerging digital technology programs.

** If you encounter any issues downloading the document, you can access it via Microsoft SharePoint with the following link.
Syllabuses of Digital Programs in TVET(2022).pdf