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Trends in New Qualifications and Competencies for TVET - Perspectives of the European UNEVOC Network

Trends Mapping Study

This Trends Mapping Study is part of the Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET project. It draws on a selection of relevant literature, the data collected from the UNEVOC Network using an online survey and focus group activities, as well as on information obtained from a virtual conference hosted by the UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Online Forum. Based on the evidence gathered, the study identifies nine trends related to New Qualifications and Competencies (NQC) in TVET, which may inform future BILT activities. Trends one to four bring insights into the identification of NQC for relevant sectors and occupations; trends five and six concern the implementation of NQC in curricula and training regulations of different occupational profiles; and trends seven to nine bear upon the implementation of NQC in teaching and training.